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Earth Hour Urges You to Consider Your Footprint

Ashley Sharum

The average American’s carbon footprint is 16 tons of carbon-equivalent emissions annually, which is 12 tons more than the global average.

To calculate your carbon footprint, you’ll need to measure the following:

  • Approximately how many miles you travel by car, bus, train, and plane

  • The energy usage in your home

  • What types and how much food you consume

  • Shopping habits

Protecting the environment and creating a better future are obvious benefits to reducing your carbon footprint. Even the smallest changes – perhaps swapping your current showerhead for a water-saving one, or turning the lights off when you leave a room – can make a big difference towards helping the environment in the long term.

So, when the weather is beautiful, maybe pull out the list of Honey-Do items and consider these ways to reduce your home's carbon footprint:

  • Insulate your Home (walls, attic, drafts under cabinets, doors needing weatherstripping)

  • Switch to renewable options (solar is the big one here, but I'll bet it's been a while since you reviewed energy policies and options your supplier provides)

  • Energy-efficient upgrades - If you've got something that needs to be replace, opt for Green

  • Use less water! - This one is sneaky, and something we can ALL improve upon (fixing leaks asap, running the dishwasher full, install a rain barrel for catchment)

  • Turn off your lights and unplug devices

  • Go Digital and recycle - Find yourself throwing statements away? Opt for e-delivery

  • Waste less food and composte (buying what you need, not shopping with a hungry stomach)

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